For teens, As someone who spends a lot of time with young people, I welcome the chance to meet you. If we do meet and your parents agree, you can see if I am the right doctor for you.
For parents, I have helped expectant parents (birth, adoptive, and through fertility treatment) and work with the very young (infants, toddlers, preschoolers).
I also work extensively with adolescents, children of all ages, and their families and see a lot of young adults.
Some of my guiding principles are:
*Listen for the message in our child's behavior; Listen for our own inner response.
*Encourage strong bonds with children/teens as a basis for parenting, including discipline.
*Develop conscious parenting choices based on understanding our child's emotional challenges, our own temperament, and pertinent experiences.
* I offer expertise in the perspective from each developmental stage.
For adults, talk therapy can be expanded for those who are interested to include any of several integrative approaches including:
*mindful awareness
*expressive and creative endeavors including journaling and use of imagery.
*increased skill in sensing and integrating information from our bodies to inform our thoughts.
*mindful awareness
*expressive and creative endeavors including journaling and use of imagery.
*increased skill in sensing and integrating information from our bodies to inform our thoughts.
Influencing my approach are mentors I have personally studied with over time including: Jeanne Simmons, Emily Conrad, Susan Harper, Polly Craft, Georgia Degangi, and Roselyn Bruyere (while she taught at an established Institute in Baltimore).
Those whose work I have studied and incorporated into my personal practice and bring to my work include: Dan Stern, Dan Siegel, Donna Eden, Luke Chan, Dawna Markova, Ira Progroff, Peter Levine, and Jon Kabat-Zinn.